Step into Spring with Stop'N'Go - Our Top Tips for a PPE Review
Apr 5 2023
Every workplace has hazards. Identifying and reacting to those hazards in the workplace is an important step to measuring and managing your health and safety provisions within your workplace.
The HSE has identified a system to deal with workplace hazards known as the hierarchy of control pyramid.
Whilst in this pyramid scheme PPE is considered the last line of defence, you should not downplay its importance in relation to protecting your staff.
At this point in your control measures for the hazard identified, PPE is, in fact, the most important measure in order to protect your staff, as it is the only remaining solution available to protect your workforce from this hazard.
For this reason, it is important that your PPE measures and controls are reviewed periodically. Spring is a great time to do this. Here are our top tips to consider during your PPE periodical review.
1. Has there been any change to health and safety regulations in relation to your PPE requirements over the last 12 months? If so, do you need to take this into consideration in your PPE review?
2. Inspect and count your current PPE provisions. Check that all your PPE is in good working condition without damage. Take a stock check of how much PPE you currently have for your organisation against how much you need to have.
3. Undertake a toolbox talk with staff and record their feedback on current PPE provisions. This is a great exercise to observe if staff are currently using their PPE provisions correctly, and also to gain valuable feedback on how they find their current PPE provisions.
4. Audit your current workplace and hazards within your workplace for any changes over the last 12 months. Have there been any new machines or equipment? Has there been a redesign of the space you are using to undertake operations?
Are there changes in staffing and are all staff up to date on the current health and safety expectations within the workplace?
This step is important in order to see how your PPE provisions and programme could be affected by different variables.
5. Do you need to provide PPE for visitors at your workplace? This is something that is often overlooked but is an imperative step in protecting visitors to your workplace in the same way as your employees.
6. Take a look at your current training programme for staff and review if this needs to be updated in line with new PPE or variables to your workforce. Are all staff currently up to date with necessary health and safety training? Do they know how to correctly use the PPE that is provided for them? Are all staff fully trained on when their PPE needs to be changed and how to do so correctly?
7. As an organisation are you up-to-date with any new advancements in PPE and what really could work best for you as an organisation?
Have there been any revolutionary ideas available in the market that could really help your organisation to reduce the risk of accidents on your site?
For instance, did you know that Stop’N’Go could improve the visibility of hand signalling and provides clear communication between operative by up to 89%?
If you are currently reviewing your PPE provisions and would be interested in trialling the Stop’N’Go range of protective gloves, then please get in touch here or call us on 01443 743398 and we will be happy to help.
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